Date: January 7, 2024 – 7:15 PM – Meeting held at Price Chopper and Teams
BoD Attendance: Anthony White, Cam Mahurin, Matt Bacaling, Cliff Speegle, Jeff Kander, Dana O’Regan, Brandt Whittenburg, Kathy Beard
Homeowners: Brian Denny
Contractors: None
PRESIDENT/Homer Owner’s Minute
- Made the budget, appears to be $13,304 over budget with the trash increase
- If we did a $75 special assessment we’d land at $14k under budget
- 2026’s rate would be $575
- 2027’s rate would be $600
- 2028’s rate would be $625
- 2029’s rate would be $650
- Unanimous board agreement that this is the right move
- For the special meeting, we’ll need some info slides on why this is necessary
- WaterOne is quoting a 4.8% increase, etc
- Dollar amounts that WM increased
- Our neighboring HOA’s dues for comparison
- Individual homeowner cost to contract with WM directly to show savings
- If the special assessment passes, we should post on FB, website, and will need to send a letter as well. – Suggestion from Brian Denny
- Ehlers – 11501 W 127 Ter – New siding
- Eickhorst – 12826 Lucille – New fence
- Wetzig – New Fence
- Will sign Bretton’s contract and pay early to get discount
- Dont have to pay overseeding early
- A small bill came for the domain lease
- $130ish bucks a year to keep the lights on
Unfinished Business and New Business
- Special Meeting + Annual meeting will be Jan 25
- Same KU Edwards campus room
- Get access at 8:30, out at 11
Next Meeting: Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 9 AM
Location: KU Edwards Campus