Below is a link to the preliminary meeting minutes for the board meeting on April 7th, 2022.
Please download the Meeting Minutes here:
Date: Apr, 7 2022 – 7:00 PM – meeting held online via Zoom
Attendance: Anthony White, Kyle Kuhlman, Patrick Thurmond, Cliff Speegle, Jeff Kander, Brandt Whittenburg
Home Owners Present: Jay Crowder
- Greeting and discussion of topics on the agenda
- Invited Wes Griffin, OPPD Crime Prevention Officer, to speak about Steadfast OP
- Steadfast OP
- Program for single family neighborhoods to reduce crime in 4 steps
- Step 1: Officer Griffin talks to neighborhood boards
- Step 2: Officer Griffin sets up a “Safety Social”
- Step 3: A “Residential Security Survey” is sent out
- Step 4: Officers drive through the neighborhood in early morning hours to check certain safety measures: obviously unlocked cars, open garage doors, overgrown landscaping that could provide cover for home entry, etc. The goal is the neighborhood has a 70% pass rate of homes without obvious security issues.
- The city will provide Steadfast OP signage for the neighborhood.
VICE-PRESIDENT – No specific topics
- Discussed delinquent dues payments and passing the info off to Young to initiate lien notifications.
- Also discussed updating the neighborhood directory
- Daniel Mannes at 12722 King updated his request and was approved to only include solar on the rear of home
- Matt Curtis at 12838 King had a patio approved
- Deck Repairs and concrete caulking project was approved for funding out of the HOA savings fund.
- We will continue with our current daily maintenance company for this pool season.
- The HOA owned fencing is still in need of replacement. It was decided to not bid the job out at the moment due to elevated lumber pricing.
- Garage sale
- Easter Egg hunt
- There was general discussion about non-local company owned rentals in the neighborhood. General sentiment was negative toward the trend and preliminary thoughts on what would be required to change in our rules to prevent such companies from buying into our neighborhood were discussed.
Next Meeting: 5/5/2022 at 7pm Location: Amber Meadows Pool